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The league will close registration as soon as it fills up. First team that signs up will get priority.

You can obtain them on this website, by creating an account and signing up.

Our referee fees are included in the team fee. Therefore, team costs will depend on how many players you will have on the roster.

$80 for a 7 vs 7 team and $320 for an 11 vs 11 team. Checks should be made out to South Bay Sports, LLC. To be paid at time of registration or before your first game.

We are planning to offer 7 vs 7 competition for Men, Women and Coed teams. In the Men's divisions, we will most likely have beginner, intermediate and advanced. We offer the same designations for Women and Coed, however, the we have not yet seen enough teams to make three separate divisions. If we do, then we will accommodate.

7 vs 7 competitions will play on weeknights and on Saturday & Sunday.

11 vs 11 competitions will play on Sunday and some Saturday afternoons & evenings.

Schedules are typically done 1 week prior to the league starting. Please check the website during the week before leagues start.

Yes, please let us know what preferences you have as we will do what we can to accommodate it, but unfortunately we can't make any guarantees that we can meet everyone's preference. Please email Trisha Fox at, should you have a preference.

Weeknight games will start at 7:00 PM, 8:00 PM and 9:00 PM

7 v 7 games on the weekends will most likely start the first game at 9:00 AM, and have kickoffs every hour after that.

11v11 games will start at 8:00am Sunday's, and will play 1hr 45mins for each game afterwards. Saturday games will start at 1pm, and will play every 2 hours.

Yes, your team's game schedule will be to play the same weeknight or same weekend day, every week. Only under rare circumstances might that need to be modified for a special cause or situation.

Winners will win a champion League T-shirt.

11v11 will win a Division Champion League T-shirt(for each member on the team), division trophy(1 team trophy), and a Cup Final trophy(1 team trophy).

Yes, players can play on more than one team, but they must play on teams that are in different leagues.

Yes, all players must have a player card. A player card will tell the referee if you have signed the waiver, and is eligible to play.

Player cards fees are $45. They are good for the calendar year you purchased it in. Every January 1st, a new card must be purchased for the calendar year. Fees are paid to CalSouth Soccer. The player card comes with up to 25k secondary accidental insurance for injuries. Lost or replacement cards will cost $20.

Yes, Red card fines are $50

There are no protests on Red Cards. All Red cards will have a minimum of a 1 game suspension.

Fighting will not be tolerated. The player will be kicked out of the league, and the team may be issued a $75 fine.

Any Threats to a referee or player would be subject to being kicked out of the league, and a team may be issued a $75 fine. The team may also asked to leave the league.

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(310) 798-6270
(310) 376-4328




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